Consignment Policy

Consignment Agreement

This Consignment Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into as of the date of the Consignor's acceptance ("Effective Date") by and between Encore Dance Closet ("Consignee") and the consignor ("Consignor").

  1. Consignor Information The information provided by the Consignor through our form is considered final for the purposes of this Agreement, including name, address, email, phone number, and any other relevant contact details.

  2. Consigned Items The Consignor agrees to consign the items they send to Encore Dance Closet. All items valued under $100 may be listed as discounted items or donated at the discretion of Encore Dance Closet.

  3. Pricing and Commission

    • Commission Structure:
      • Tier 1 (Costumes $100-$200): 40%
      • Tier 2 (Costumes $200-$300): 30%
      • Tier 3 (Costumes $300+): 20%
  4. Consignment Period The initial consignment period is 120 days from the date the item is listed for sale. If the item does not sell within this period, the agreement will continue unless the Consignor requests the return or donation of their item.

  5. Payment Payments for sold items will be processed on the 15th of each month for items sold in the prior month. Items will be marked as sold 7 days after delivery to the buyer.

  6. Shipping and Handling

    • Shipping to Encore Dance Closet: Consignor is responsible for shipping unless covered under special rates (e.g., Founder Rates or Friends and Family Rates).
    • Return Shipping: A $10 handling fee and shipping cost will apply if the Consignor requests an unsold item be returned before the end of the consignment period.
  7. Returns Please refer to our return policy for detailed information.

  8. Loss or Damage Encore Dance Closet will assume responsibility for items once they are received. Items will not be insured.

  9. Consignor Return Requests

    • Rejected Items: If an item is deemed ineligible for sale, it can be returned for a $10 shipping fee.
    • Consignor-Initiated Return Requests: A $10 handling fee and the cost of return shipping apply if the Consignor requests a return before the consignment period ends.
  10. Termination Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time by sending email notice. If terminated before the end of the consignment period, the Consignor must pay a $10 handling fee and cover the cost of return shipping for their items.